Wednesday, 28 November 2007

Looking for a church? Wondering where the Gospel may be heard in your area?

We live in days when the Gospel of Christ has ceased to be preached faithfully in many meetings and when a number of God's people find themselves in situations where they wonder just where they can go to hear Christ preached in the Gospel.

Often I hear from people, scattered sheep as it were, who find themselves in just such a situation. Having been taught of God the Gospel of God's Free Grace in Christ, they long to hear that Gospel preached where they live, and to worship the Lord in such a meeting, but find the message preached in so many places to be greatly lacking when compared to the truth of God's grace as taught in the scriptures.

If you find yourself in just such a situation why not drop us a line? Send me an email at We might know of a meeting nearby which I can point you towards, or perhaps just some other believers in your area. Whether it be Nottingham, Exeter, Wolverhampton or Bournemouth, do feel free to get in touch.

Alternatively why not take a look at our map of Free Grace Churches or visit our new site 'The Church in Devon'.

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