Monday, 22 October 2007

“Grace and Truth Online Publications” Book Sale

As our regular visitors will know, in addition to the website we also publish several books, as an additional means of proclaiming the Gospel of Christ. These are available for purchase online, but also through the Christian Bookshop in Ossett. Full details of the books are provided below.

As a special promotion, for a limited time only, and whilst stocks last, we are now offering all three books at specially reduced ‘Sale’ prices through CBO only. These prices are up to 35% off the usual rate, being specially subsidised in order that more readers may have access to these works.

‘Christ, the Sun of Righteousness’ Normal price £6.95 Sale price £4.50
‘The Fountain of Life’ Normal price £10.50 Sale price £7.50
‘Sovereign Grace – Past and Present’ Normal price £12.00 Sale price £8.50

To order simply contact the Christian Bookshop Ossett [21 Queen Street, Ossett, West Yorks, WF5 8AS Tel. 01924 260502].

Or you can send an email to specifying which book(s) you would like – an invoice will be sent with the books and payment can be made after receipt.

With our kind regards,

Grace and Truth Online Publications



As an extension of the work of the ‘Grace and Truth Online’ website we have recently started to publish a number of our own printed books which set forth the Gospel of Christ. These are made available to both those who have no online access and to those who would prefer to read on the printed page, rather than on a computer screen. "Grace and Truth Online Publications" is entirely non-profit making and in fact runs at a loss. In producing such works it is our desire to see the work of God furthered in the proclamation of His Gospel, and to provide encouragement and consolation to God's people in a needy day. But most of all we wish to see God's Name glorified and honoured. Below are details of our current publications along with full ordering information.

"Sovereign Grace - Past and Present" Edited by Ian Potts

Published by Grace and Truth Online Publications, Sale Price £8.50. 416pp paperback, ISBN 978 1 84728 097 8

Our third title, "Sovereign Grace - Past and Present", is a collection of writings from both past and present preachers of God's Gospel of Free and Sovereign Grace through Jesus Christ.

Includes works by William Tiptaft, Tobias Crisp, William Huntington, William Gadsby, Robert Murray M'Cheyne, J.C. Philpot, John Kershaw, James Bourne, Eli Ashdown, Francis Covell, John Vinall, John Warburton, Don Fortner, Henry Mahan, Don Bell, Gary Shepard, Todd Nibert, Tom Harding, Peter Meney and Benjamin A. Ramsbottom.

Click here for full contents list.

The book also includes an Introduction on 'Sovereign Grace', background information about each author and a useful appendix containing much information about other works written by or about the authors.

These works are by authors whose lives span several hundred years, yet their message is the same - they proclaim the grace of God which brings salvation - because the One of whom they speak never changes, He is "Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever".

For more details and/or to order the book online view the book description on or visit our Publications Booklist or contact the Christian Bookshop Ossett for U.K. orders.

"What a collection of burning and shining lights! Surely "a feast of fat things"!" ... "Beautifully produced and sold at a most reasonable price" Gospel Standard Magazine, September 2006

“It is refreshing to be reminded of what has been preached and written about the bountiful grace of our merciful God in earlier years, and to be given an opportunity of reading material highlighting this oft neglected doctrine… In a day when so many seem to ignore or slight the doctrine of Grace it is good to have this book centring on this subject.” Morgan Crane, English Churchman, December 2006

"We are delighted that Mr Potts is producing such material, making old writers available to a new audience and, by his knowledge of current trends in modern evangelicalism, introducing modern writers whose eligibility for inclusion is that they maintain and profess the same old gospel truths that marked out their predecessors." New Focus Magazine, October/November 2006

"The Fountain of Life" by William Huntington
(Collected Writings of William Huntington S.S.)

Published by Grace and Truth Online Publications, Sale Price £7.50. 340pp paperback, ISBN 1 4116 5856 6

This publication contains six chapters taken from the works of William Huntington S.S. All the chapters are Christ-exalting and experimental as they set forth the true work of God in the salvation of sinners. Included are the following works:-

"The Dimensions of Eternal Love"
"The Destruction of Death by the Fountain of Life"
"The Eternal Setting of the Sun"
"The Saint’s Seed-time and Harvest"
"An Innocent Game for Babes in Grace"
"The Broken Cistern & The Springing Well"

The book also includes biographical material about Huntington and his ministry written by Dr. George M. Ella, as well as a useful bibliography of available books by or about William Huntington.

We trust that this publication will prove edifying to readers and also provide a welcome introduction to the writings of Huntington to those who may be unfamiliar with the works of this man who was greatly used by God in his day and generation.

For more details and/or to order the book online view the book description on or visit our Publications Booklist or contact the Christian Bookshop Ossett for U.K. orders.

"Lovers of Huntington will welcome this well-produced book, in clear print, of some of his works." Gospel Standard Magazine, April 2006

“…of great encouragement…” The Sinner Saved Magazine, Autumn 2006

"Christ, the Sun of Righteousness" by Ian Potts

Published by Grace and Truth Online Publications, Sale Price £4.50. 150pp paperback, ISBN 1 4116 5133 2

This book sets forth pictures of Christ as He is revealed throughout the scriptures.

The whole message of the Bible regards the person and the work of Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God. He is to be found on every page of Holy Writ. He is the sum and substance of God’s message to lost mankind, He is the One through whom God reveals Himself to man, He is the One through whom God reconciles sinners to Himself, He is the One in whom all the blessings of God to His people are revealed. Christ is all and in all.

Yes, the Gospel of God concerns His Son, Jesus Christ and the message of the Bible is one of the Salvation of sinners through Christ, by Free and Sovereign Grace. Christ Himself is God’s message to man, so when we read the scriptures we look for Him.

May God the Holy Spirit be pleased to use the chapters in this book to point the reader towards Christ, the Saviour, the “Sun of righteousness”

For more details and/or to order the book online view the book description on or visit our Publications Booklist or contact the Christian Bookshop Ossett for U.K. orders.

"I am happy to recommend this book for personal reading and meditation. It will handsomely reward time invested in it. However, it has other uses too. The book may readily be employed evangelistically as a gift... throughout the book grace is unambiguously presented as the free gift of God." New Focus Magazine Dec/Jan 2006

See book reviews here.

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